The ever popular Jackson Artiste! Designed for strong recreational skaters and skaters taking lessons.
Jackson Artiste Features
- Tan coloured synthetic lining and softer rolled collar for comfort on the achilles
- Reinforced hooks for structural durability
- Flex north for added flexibility
- Full quarter and extra padding at the ankle
- Foam backed vinyl & mesh for a more comfortable skate tongue
- Stylized brown PVC outsole for easy maintenance
Features of the Ultima Mark IV blades
Ultima Mark IVstainless steel blade allows for use in learn to skate programs and for recreational skaters. More agressive pick pattern than the Mark II.
- Straight cut toe picks for beginners
- Attached with screws and factory sharpened
- Chrome finish for longer blade life and easy maintenance
- 8 Foot Rocker
Widths & Sizes
- 2 widths - B (average) and C (wide)
- Girl's 11 - 3.5 including 1/2 sizes
Jackson Support Rating
- Light skate support - Rated 25 for advanced CanSkate and light skaters working on STAR skate levels
Jackson Artiste Fit Guideline & Recommendations for Skate Canada Levels
- Suitable for skaters weighing 40 lbs or more working on Skate Canada CanSkate levels 5 & 6
- Also suitable for all skaters working on Skate Canada STAR levels 1 to 5
- Suitable for Skater's weighing less than 40 lbs working on STAR levels 5 to 10
Need help choosing the proper skate? Call us at 705-566-2121 Sudbury Ontario
- We can help evaluate your skating needs and fitting requirements.
- We provide heat-molding & skate punching for a custom fit.
- Our neighbours Skater's Edge Source for Sports have the proper training & experience to mount &sharpen figure skates.
- Providing you with a one-stop shopping experience since 1989.